A Homeowner’s Guide to Fire-Resistant Home Construction

TitleA Homeowner’s Guide to Fire-Resistant Home Construction
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsFairbanks, R, Ingalsbee, T
Date Published07/2006
InstitutionFirefighters United for Safety, Ethics, and Ecology
Keywordsextension publications and factsheets

Defending homes from fast-spreading high-intensity wildfires is one of the most difficult and dangerous duties for wildland firefighters. Firefighters United for Safety, Ethics, and Ecology (FUSEE) feels strongly that informing homeowners about fire-resistant construction materials will help wildland firefighters better protect communities, and reduce some of the risks to firefighter safety. Moreover, when rural homes and communities are better prepared for wildland fire, then more options and opportunities open up to properly manage fires to restore forests and grasslands degraded from past fire exclusion.
