FOFEM: The First-Order Fire Effects Model Adapts to the 21st Century

TitleFOFEM: The First-Order Fire Effects Model Adapts to the 21st Century
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2009
Series TitleFire Science Brief
Document NumberIssue 62
Date Published08/2009
InstitutionJoint Fire Science Program
Keywordsfire effects and fire ecology, jfsp fire science briefs and digests

Technology is playing an increasingly pivotal role in the efficiency and effectiveness of fire management. The First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM) is a widely used computer application that predicts the immediate or ‘first-order’ effects of fire: fuel consumption, tree mortality, emissions, and soil heating. FOFEM’s simple operation and comprehensive features have made it a workhorse for fire and resource professionals who need to be able to predict, assess and plan for fire’s effects. Over the last decade FOFEM has undergone several upgrades as developers continue to improve function and expand applicability to meet the growing needs of managers, planners and analysts.Latest First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM) upgrades include:

  • The FOFEM Mapping Tool which allows the import or input of spatial data layers,
  • Extensive additions to tree mortality models that expand scope and application,
  • A tree-mortality modification specifically for use in southeastern longleaf pine ecosystems, and
  • A web-based version with expanded function, storage, connectivity and customization options.