Effects of harvest, fire, and pest/pathogen disturbances on the West Cascades ecoregion carbon balance

TitleEffects of harvest, fire, and pest/pathogen disturbances on the West Cascades ecoregion carbon balance
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsTurner, DP
Secondary AuthorsRitts, WD
Tertiary AuthorsKennedy, RE
Subsidiary AuthorsGray, AN, Yang, Z
JournalCarbon Balance and Management
Keywordscarbon, technical reports and journal articles

Disturbance is a key influence on forest carbon dynamics, but the complexity of spatial and temporal patterns in forest disturbance makes it difficult to quantify their impacts on carbon flux over broad spatial domains.
Here we used a time series of Landsat remote sensing images and a climate-driven carbon cycle process model to evaluate carbon fluxes at the ecoregion scale in western Oregon.
