NOAA Current Watches-WA

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Updated: 1 hour 14 min ago

Wind Advisory issued May 15 at 9:54PM PDT until May 16 at 10:00PM PDT by NWS Spokane WA

May 15, 2024 - 9:54pm
* WHAT...West winds 20 to 35 mph with gusts up to 40 to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Pangborn Airport, Odessa, Harrington, Ritzville, Wenatchee, Cashmere, Ephrata, Entiat, Waterville, Moses Lake, Quincy, Chelan, Mansfield, Wilbur, Creston, Grand Coulee, Othello, and Coulee City. * WHEN...From 2 PM to 10 PM PDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Strong gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Wind Advisory 2024-05-15T21:54:00-07:00 2024-05-15T21:54:00-07:00 2024-05-16T14:00:00-07:00 2024-05-16T07:00:00-07:00 Actual Update Met Expected Moderate Likely Moses Lake Area; Upper Columbia Basin; Wenatchee Area; Waterville Plateau SAME 053001 SAME 053025 SAME 053017 SAME 053043 SAME 053047 SAME 053007 UGC WAZ034 UGC WAZ035 UGC WAZ041 UGC WAZ044 AWIPSidentifier NPWOTX WMOidentifier WWUS76 KOTX 160454 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM TO 10 PM PDT THURSDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.CON.KOTX.WI.Y.0006.240516T2100Z-240517T0500Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-05-17T05:00:00+00:00

Wind Advisory issued May 15 at 2:17PM PDT until May 16 at 10:00PM PDT by NWS Spokane WA

May 15, 2024 - 2:17pm
* WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts 40 to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Number 2 Canyon, Number 1 Canyon, Harrington, Creston, Entiat, Pangborn Airport, Quincy, Waterville, Grand Coulee, Odessa, Wenatchee, Othello, Coulee City, Wilbur, Chelan, Moses Lake, Cashmere, Mansfield, Ephrata, Ritzville, and Badger Mountain Road. * WHEN...From 2 PM to 10 PM PDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Wind Advisory 2024-05-15T14:17:00-07:00 2024-05-15T14:17:00-07:00 2024-05-16T14:00:00-07:00 2024-05-16T03:30:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Likely Moses Lake Area; Upper Columbia Basin; Wenatchee Area; Waterville Plateau SAME 053001 SAME 053025 SAME 053017 SAME 053043 SAME 053047 SAME 053007 UGC WAZ034 UGC WAZ035 UGC WAZ041 UGC WAZ044 AWIPSidentifier NPWOTX WMOidentifier WWUS76 KOTX 152117 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM TO 10 PM PDT THURSDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.NEW.KOTX.WI.Y.0006.240516T2100Z-240517T0500Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-05-17T05:00:00+00:00

Wind Advisory issued May 13 at 8:12PM PDT until May 14 at 12:00AM PDT by NWS Spokane WA

May 13, 2024 - 8:12pm
* WHAT...Northwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...Number 2 Canyon, Wenatchee, Pangborn Airport, Entiat, Number 1 Canyon, Chelan, and Cashmere. * WHEN...Until midnight PDT tonight. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Wind Advisory 2024-05-13T20:12:00-07:00 2024-05-13T20:12:00-07:00 2024-05-13T20:12:00-07:00 2024-05-14T00:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Likely Wenatchee Area SAME 053007 SAME 053017 UGC WAZ041 AWIPSidentifier NPWOTX WMOidentifier WWUS76 KOTX 140312 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT PDT TONIGHT BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.NEW.KOTX.WI.Y.0005.240514T0312Z-240514T0700Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-05-14T07:00:00+00:00

Wind Advisory issued May 13 at 10:42AM PDT until May 13 at 11:00PM PDT by NWS Pendleton OR

May 13, 2024 - 10:42am
* WHAT...Northwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Kittitas Valley. * WHEN...Until 11 PM PDT this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Wind Advisory 2024-05-13T10:42:00-07:00 2024-05-13T10:42:00-07:00 2024-05-13T11:00:00-07:00 2024-05-13T23:00:00-07:00 Actual Update Met Expected Moderate Likely Kittitas Valley SAME 053037 SAME 053077 UGC WAZ026 AWIPSidentifier NPWPDT WMOidentifier WWUS76 KPDT 131742 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM PDT THIS EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.CON.KPDT.WI.Y.0021.240513T1800Z-240514T0600Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-05-14T06:00:00+00:00 expiredReferences,urn:oid:,2024-05-12T12:36:00-07:00

Wind Advisory issued May 12 at 9:58PM PDT until May 13 at 11:00PM PDT by NWS Pendleton OR

May 12, 2024 - 9:58pm
* WHAT...Northwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Kittitas Valley. * WHEN...From 11 AM to 11 PM PDT Monday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Wind Advisory 2024-05-12T21:58:00-07:00 2024-05-12T21:58:00-07:00 2024-05-13T11:00:00-07:00 2024-05-13T11:00:00-07:00 Actual Update Met Expected Moderate Likely Kittitas Valley SAME 053037 SAME 053077 UGC WAZ026 AWIPSidentifier NPWPDT WMOidentifier WWUS76 KPDT 130458 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM TO 11 PM PDT MONDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.CON.KPDT.WI.Y.0021.240513T1800Z-240514T0600Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-05-14T06:00:00+00:00

Wind Advisory issued May 12 at 12:36PM PDT until May 13 at 11:00PM PDT by NWS Pendleton OR

May 12, 2024 - 12:36pm
* WHAT...Northwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Kittitas Valley. * WHEN...From 11 AM to 11 PM PDT Monday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Wind Advisory 2024-05-12T12:36:00-07:00 2024-05-12T12:36:00-07:00 2024-05-13T11:00:00-07:00 2024-05-12T23:15:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Likely Kittitas Valley SAME 053037 SAME 053077 UGC WAZ026 AWIPSidentifier NPWPDT WMOidentifier WWUS76 KPDT 121936 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM TO 11 PM PDT MONDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS VTEC /O.NEW.KPDT.WI.Y.0021.240513T1800Z-240514T0600Z/ eventEndingTime 2024-05-14T06:00:00+00:00

Special Weather Statement issued May 11 at 4:14PM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

May 11, 2024 - 4:14pm
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions early Saturday morning and expects severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. A geomagnetic storm of this strength can cause multiple and widespread issues with various power and communications systems. Widespread voltage control problems may occur, and some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service, and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded for days. HF/VHF/UHF radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one to two days. Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For space weather information...visit For weather information...visit Special Weather Statement 2024-05-11T16:14:00-07:00 2024-05-11T16:14:00-07:00 2024-05-11T16:14:00-07:00 2024-05-12T05:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed San Juan County; Western Whatcom County; Southwest Interior; Western Skagit County; Everett and Vicinity; Tacoma Area; Admiralty Inlet Area; Hood Canal Area; Lower Chehalis Valley Area; Olympics; Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca; Western Strait of Juan De Fuca; North Coast; Central Coast; East Puget Sound Lowlands; Bellevue and Vicinity; Seattle and Vicinity; Bremerton and Vicinity; West Slopes North Cascades and Passes; West Slopes North Central Cascades and Passes; West Slopes South Central Cascades and Passes SAME 053055 SAME 053073 SAME 053041 SAME 053067 SAME 053057 SAME 053035 SAME 053061 SAME 053053 SAME 053029 SAME 053031 SAME 053045 SAME 053027 SAME 053009 SAME 053033 UGC WAZ001 UGC WAZ503 UGC WAZ504 UGC WAZ506 UGC WAZ507 UGC WAZ509 UGC WAZ510 UGC WAZ511 UGC WAZ512 UGC WAZ513 UGC WAZ514 UGC WAZ515 UGC WAZ516 UGC WAZ517 UGC WAZ555 UGC WAZ556 UGC WAZ558 UGC WAZ559 UGC WAZ567 UGC WAZ568 UGC WAZ569 AWIPSidentifier SPSSEW WMOidentifier WWUS86 KSEW 112314 NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND CONTINUED SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORMS EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR

Special Weather Statement issued May 11 at 3:54PM PDT by NWS Spokane WA

May 11, 2024 - 3:54pm
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions early Saturday morning and expects severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. * A Geomagnetic Storm of this strength can cause multiple and widespread issues with various power and communication systems. * Widespread voltage control problems may occur; some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. * Pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps. * GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded or unavailable for days. * High Frequency (HF) radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one or two days. * Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. * Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For Space Weather Information For Weather Information Special Weather Statement 2024-05-11T15:54:00-07:00 2024-05-11T15:54:00-07:00 2024-05-11T15:54:00-07:00 2024-05-12T05:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed Northern Panhandle; Coeur d'Alene Area; Idaho Palouse; Central Panhandle Mountains; Lewiston Area; Lewis and Southern Nez Perce Counties; Northeast Blue Mountains; Lower Garfield and Asotin Counties; Washington Palouse; Moses Lake Area; Upper Columbia Basin; Spokane Area; Northeast Mountains; Okanogan Highlands; Wenatchee Area; Okanogan Valley; Waterville Plateau; Central Chelan County; Western Chelan County; Western Okanogan County SAME 016017 SAME 016021 SAME 016055 SAME 016009 SAME 016057 SAME 016079 SAME 016069 SAME 016061 SAME 053003 SAME 053023 SAME 053063 SAME 053075 SAME 053001 SAME 053025 SAME 053017 SAME 053043 SAME 053047 SAME 053051 SAME 053065 SAME 053019 SAME 053007 UGC IDZ001 UGC IDZ002 UGC IDZ003 UGC IDZ004 UGC IDZ026 UGC IDZ027 UGC WAZ031 UGC WAZ032 UGC WAZ033 UGC WAZ034 UGC WAZ035 UGC WAZ036 UGC WAZ037 UGC WAZ038 UGC WAZ041 UGC WAZ043 UGC WAZ044 UGC WAZ047 UGC WAZ048 UGC WAZ049 AWIPSidentifier SPSOTX WMOidentifier WWUS86 KOTX 112254 NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORMS EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR

Special Weather Statement issued May 11 at 2:38PM PDT by NWS Pendleton OR

May 11, 2024 - 2:38pm
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions Saturday morning and expect severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. * A Geomagnetic Storm of this strength can cause multiple and widespread issues with various power and communication systems. * Widespread voltage control problems may occur; some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. * Pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps. * GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded or unavailable for days. * High Frequency (HF) radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one or two days. * Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. * Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For Space Weather Information For Weather Information Special Weather Statement 2024-05-11T14:38:00-07:00 2024-05-11T14:38:00-07:00 2024-05-11T14:38:00-07:00 2024-05-12T05:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed Eastern Columbia River Gorge of Oregon; Lower Columbia Basin of Oregon; Grande Ronde Valley; Wallowa County; Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon; Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon; John Day Basin; Ochoco-John Day Highlands; Foothills of the Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon; Foothills of the Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon; East Slopes of the Oregon Cascades; North Central Oregon; Central Oregon; Eastern Columbia River Gorge of Washington; Kittitas Valley; Yakima Valley; Lower Columbia Basin of Washington; Foothills of the Blue Mountains of Washington; Northwest Blue Mountains; Simcoe Highlands; Upper Slopes of the Eastern Washington Cascades Crest; Lower Slopes of the Eastern Washington Cascades Crest SAME 041021 SAME 041055 SAME 041065 SAME 041049 SAME 041059 SAME 041061 SAME 041063 SAME 041023 SAME 041069 SAME 041031 SAME 041013 SAME 041017 SAME 053039 SAME 053037 SAME 053077 SAME 053005 SAME 053021 SAME 053071 SAME 053013 UGC ORZ041 UGC ORZ044 UGC ORZ049 UGC ORZ050 UGC ORZ502 UGC ORZ503 UGC ORZ505 UGC ORZ506 UGC ORZ507 UGC ORZ508 UGC ORZ509 UGC ORZ510 UGC ORZ511 UGC WAZ024 UGC WAZ026 UGC WAZ027 UGC WAZ028 UGC WAZ029 UGC WAZ030 UGC WAZ521 UGC WAZ522 UGC WAZ523 AWIPSidentifier SPSPDT WMOidentifier WWUS86 KPDT 112138 NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND CONTINUED SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR

Special Weather Statement issued May 11 at 2:01PM PDT by NWS Portland OR

May 11, 2024 - 2:01pm
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions Saturday morning and expect severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. * A Geomagnetic Storm of this strength can cause multiple and widespread issues with various power and communication systems. * Widespread voltage control problems may occur; some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. * Pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps. * GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded or unavailable for days. * High Frequency (HF) radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one or two days. * Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. * Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For Space Weather Information For Weather Information Special Weather Statement 2024-05-11T14:01:00-07:00 2024-05-11T14:01:00-07:00 2024-05-11T14:01:00-07:00 2024-05-12T05:45:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed Clatsop County Coast; Tillamook County Coast; Central Coast of Oregon; North Oregon Coast Range Lowlands; Central Oregon Coast Range Lowlands; North Oregon Coast Range; Central Oregon Coast Range; Lower Columbia River; Tualatin Valley; West Hills and Chehalem Mountains; Inner Portland Metro; East Portland Metro; Outer Southeast Portland Metro; West Central Willamette Valley; East Central Willamette Valley; Benton County Lowlands; Linn County Lowlands; Lane County Lowlands; West Columbia River Gorge of Oregon above 500 ft; West Columbia River Gorge I-84 Corridor; Upper Hood River Valley; Central Columbia River Gorge I-84 Corridor; Clackamas County Cascade Foothills; Cascade Foothills of Marion and Linn Counties; Lane County Cascade Foothills; North Oregon Cascades; Cascades of Marion and Linn Counties; Cascades of Lane County; South Washington Coast; Willapa and Wahkiakum Lowlands; Willapa Hills; Cowlitz County Lowlands; North Clark County Lowlands; Inner Vancouver Metro; East Clark County Lowlands; South Washington Cascade Foothills; West Columbia River Gorge - SR 14; Central Columbia River Gorge - SR 14; South Washington Cascades UGC ORZ101 UGC ORZ102 UGC ORZ103 UGC ORZ104 UGC ORZ105 UGC ORZ106 UGC ORZ107 UGC ORZ108 UGC ORZ109 UGC ORZ110 UGC ORZ111 UGC ORZ112 UGC ORZ113 UGC ORZ114 UGC ORZ115 UGC ORZ116 UGC ORZ117 UGC ORZ118 UGC ORZ119 UGC ORZ120 UGC ORZ121 UGC ORZ122 UGC ORZ123 UGC ORZ124 UGC ORZ125 UGC ORZ126 UGC ORZ127 UGC ORZ128 UGC WAZ201 UGC WAZ202 UGC WAZ203 UGC WAZ204 UGC WAZ205 UGC WAZ206 UGC WAZ207 UGC WAZ208 UGC WAZ209 UGC WAZ210 UGC WAZ211 AWIPSidentifier SPSPQR WMOidentifier WWUS86 KPQR 112101 NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND CONTINUED SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR

Special Weather Statement issued May 11 at 5:14AM PDT by NWS Portland OR

May 11, 2024 - 5:14am
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions Saturday morning and expect severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. * A Geomagnetic Storm of this strength can cause multiple and widespread issues with various power and communication systems. * Widespread voltage control problems may occur; some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. * Pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps. * GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded or unavailable for days. * High Frequency (HF) radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one or two days. * Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. * Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For Space Weather Information For Weather Information Special Weather Statement 2024-05-11T05:14:00-07:00 2024-05-11T05:14:00-07:00 2024-05-11T05:14:00-07:00 2024-05-11T17:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed Clatsop County Coast; Tillamook County Coast; Central Coast of Oregon; North Oregon Coast Range Lowlands; Central Oregon Coast Range Lowlands; North Oregon Coast Range; Central Oregon Coast Range; Lower Columbia River; Tualatin Valley; West Hills and Chehalem Mountains; Inner Portland Metro; East Portland Metro; Outer Southeast Portland Metro; West Central Willamette Valley; East Central Willamette Valley; Benton County Lowlands; Linn County Lowlands; Lane County Lowlands; West Columbia River Gorge of Oregon above 500 ft; West Columbia River Gorge I-84 Corridor; Upper Hood River Valley; Central Columbia River Gorge I-84 Corridor; Clackamas County Cascade Foothills; Cascade Foothills of Marion and Linn Counties; Lane County Cascade Foothills; North Oregon Cascades; Cascades of Marion and Linn Counties; Cascades of Lane County; South Washington Coast; Willapa and Wahkiakum Lowlands; Willapa Hills; Cowlitz County Lowlands; North Clark County Lowlands; Inner Vancouver Metro; East Clark County Lowlands; South Washington Cascade Foothills; West Columbia River Gorge - SR 14; Central Columbia River Gorge - SR 14; South Washington Cascades UGC ORZ101 UGC ORZ102 UGC ORZ103 UGC ORZ104 UGC ORZ105 UGC ORZ106 UGC ORZ107 UGC ORZ108 UGC ORZ109 UGC ORZ110 UGC ORZ111 UGC ORZ112 UGC ORZ113 UGC ORZ114 UGC ORZ115 UGC ORZ116 UGC ORZ117 UGC ORZ118 UGC ORZ119 UGC ORZ120 UGC ORZ121 UGC ORZ122 UGC ORZ123 UGC ORZ124 UGC ORZ125 UGC ORZ126 UGC ORZ127 UGC ORZ128 UGC WAZ201 UGC WAZ202 UGC WAZ203 UGC WAZ204 UGC WAZ205 UGC WAZ206 UGC WAZ207 UGC WAZ208 UGC WAZ209 UGC WAZ210 UGC WAZ211 AWIPSidentifier SPSPQR WMOidentifier WWUS86 KPQR 111214 NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND CONTINUED SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR

Special Weather Statement issued May 11 at 5:12AM PDT by NWS Spokane WA

May 11, 2024 - 5:12am
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions early Saturday morning and expects severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. * A Geomagnetic Storm of this strength can cause multiple and widespread issues with various power and communication systems. * Widespread voltage control problems may occur; some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. * Pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps. * GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded or unavailable for days. * High Frequency (HF) radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one or two days. * Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. * Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For Space Weather Information For Weather Information Special Weather Statement 2024-05-11T05:12:00-07:00 2024-05-11T05:12:00-07:00 2024-05-11T05:12:00-07:00 2024-05-11T17:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed Northern Panhandle; Coeur d'Alene Area; Idaho Palouse; Central Panhandle Mountains; Lewiston Area; Lewis and Southern Nez Perce Counties; Northeast Blue Mountains; Lower Garfield and Asotin Counties; Washington Palouse; Moses Lake Area; Upper Columbia Basin; Spokane Area; Northeast Mountains; Okanogan Highlands; Wenatchee Area; Okanogan Valley; Waterville Plateau; Central Chelan County; Western Chelan County; Western Okanogan County SAME 016017 SAME 016021 SAME 016055 SAME 016009 SAME 016057 SAME 016079 SAME 016069 SAME 016061 SAME 053003 SAME 053023 SAME 053063 SAME 053075 SAME 053001 SAME 053025 SAME 053017 SAME 053043 SAME 053047 SAME 053051 SAME 053065 SAME 053019 SAME 053007 UGC IDZ001 UGC IDZ002 UGC IDZ003 UGC IDZ004 UGC IDZ026 UGC IDZ027 UGC WAZ031 UGC WAZ032 UGC WAZ033 UGC WAZ034 UGC WAZ035 UGC WAZ036 UGC WAZ037 UGC WAZ038 UGC WAZ041 UGC WAZ043 UGC WAZ044 UGC WAZ047 UGC WAZ048 UGC WAZ049 AWIPSidentifier SPSOTX WMOidentifier WWUS86 KOTX 111212 NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORMS EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR

Special Weather Statement issued May 11 at 5:11AM PDT by NWS Pendleton OR

May 11, 2024 - 5:11am
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions this morning and expect severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. * A Geomagnetic Storm of this strength can cause multiple and widespread issues with various power and communication systems. * Widespread voltage control problems may occur; some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. * Pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps. * GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded or unavailable for days. * High Frequency (HF) radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one or two days. * Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. * Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For Space Weather Information For Weather Information Special Weather Statement 2024-05-11T05:11:00-07:00 2024-05-11T05:11:00-07:00 2024-05-11T05:11:00-07:00 2024-05-11T17:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed Eastern Columbia River Gorge of Oregon; Lower Columbia Basin of Oregon; Grande Ronde Valley; Wallowa County; Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon; Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon; John Day Basin; Ochoco-John Day Highlands; Foothills of the Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon; Foothills of the Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon; East Slopes of the Oregon Cascades; North Central Oregon; Central Oregon; Eastern Columbia River Gorge of Washington; Kittitas Valley; Yakima Valley; Lower Columbia Basin of Washington; Foothills of the Blue Mountains of Washington; Northwest Blue Mountains; Simcoe Highlands; Upper Slopes of the Eastern Washington Cascades Crest; Lower Slopes of the Eastern Washington Cascades Crest SAME 041021 SAME 041055 SAME 041065 SAME 041049 SAME 041059 SAME 041061 SAME 041063 SAME 041023 SAME 041069 SAME 041031 SAME 041013 SAME 041017 SAME 053039 SAME 053037 SAME 053077 SAME 053005 SAME 053021 SAME 053071 SAME 053013 UGC ORZ041 UGC ORZ044 UGC ORZ049 UGC ORZ050 UGC ORZ502 UGC ORZ503 UGC ORZ505 UGC ORZ506 UGC ORZ507 UGC ORZ508 UGC ORZ509 UGC ORZ510 UGC ORZ511 UGC WAZ024 UGC WAZ026 UGC WAZ027 UGC WAZ028 UGC WAZ029 UGC WAZ030 UGC WAZ521 UGC WAZ522 UGC WAZ523 AWIPSidentifier SPSPDT WMOidentifier WWUS86 KPDT 111211 NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND CONTINUED SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR

Special Weather Statement issued May 11 at 5:09AM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

May 11, 2024 - 5:09am
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions early Saturday morning and expects severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. A geomagnetic storm of this strength can cause multiple and and widespread issues with various power and communications systems. Widespread voltage control problems may occur, and some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service, and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded for days. HF/VHF/UHF radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one to two days. Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For space weather information...visit For weather information...visit Special Weather Statement 2024-05-11T05:09:00-07:00 2024-05-11T05:09:00-07:00 2024-05-11T05:09:00-07:00 2024-05-11T17:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed San Juan County; Western Whatcom County; Southwest Interior; Western Skagit County; Everett and Vicinity; Tacoma Area; Admiralty Inlet Area; Hood Canal Area; Lower Chehalis Valley Area; Olympics; Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca; Western Strait of Juan De Fuca; North Coast; Central Coast; East Puget Sound Lowlands; Bellevue and Vicinity; Seattle and Vicinity; Bremerton and Vicinity; West Slopes North Cascades and Passes; West Slopes North Central Cascades and Passes; West Slopes South Central Cascades and Passes SAME 053055 SAME 053073 SAME 053041 SAME 053067 SAME 053057 SAME 053035 SAME 053061 SAME 053053 SAME 053029 SAME 053031 SAME 053045 SAME 053027 SAME 053009 SAME 053033 UGC WAZ001 UGC WAZ503 UGC WAZ504 UGC WAZ506 UGC WAZ507 UGC WAZ509 UGC WAZ510 UGC WAZ511 UGC WAZ512 UGC WAZ513 UGC WAZ514 UGC WAZ515 UGC WAZ516 UGC WAZ517 UGC WAZ555 UGC WAZ556 UGC WAZ558 UGC WAZ559 UGC WAZ567 UGC WAZ568 UGC WAZ569 AWIPSidentifier SPSSEW WMOidentifier WWUS86 KSEW 111209 NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND CONTINUED SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORMS EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR

Special Weather Statement issued May 10 at 9:58PM PDT by NWS Portland OR

May 10, 2024 - 9:58pm
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions Friday afternoon and expect severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. * A Geomagnetic Storm of this strength can cause multiple and widespread issues with various power and communication systems. * Widespread voltage control problems may occur; some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. * Pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps. * GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded or unavailable for days. * High Frequency (HF) radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one or two days. * Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. * Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For Space Weather Information For Weather Information Special Weather Statement 2024-05-10T21:58:00-07:00 2024-05-10T21:58:00-07:00 2024-05-10T21:58:00-07:00 2024-05-11T00:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed Clatsop County Coast; Tillamook County Coast; Central Coast of Oregon; North Oregon Coast Range Lowlands; Central Oregon Coast Range Lowlands; North Oregon Coast Range; Central Oregon Coast Range; Lower Columbia River; Tualatin Valley; West Hills and Chehalem Mountains; Inner Portland Metro; East Portland Metro; Outer Southeast Portland Metro; West Central Willamette Valley; East Central Willamette Valley; Benton County Lowlands; Linn County Lowlands; Lane County Lowlands; West Columbia River Gorge of Oregon above 500 ft; West Columbia River Gorge I-84 Corridor; Upper Hood River Valley; Central Columbia River Gorge I-84 Corridor; Clackamas County Cascade Foothills; Cascade Foothills of Marion and Linn Counties; Lane County Cascade Foothills; North Oregon Cascades; Cascades of Marion and Linn Counties; Cascades of Lane County; South Washington Coast; Willapa and Wahkiakum Lowlands; Willapa Hills; Cowlitz County Lowlands; North Clark County Lowlands; Inner Vancouver Metro; East Clark County Lowlands; South Washington Cascade Foothills; West Columbia River Gorge - SR 14; Central Columbia River Gorge - SR 14; South Washington Cascades UGC ORZ101 UGC ORZ102 UGC ORZ103 UGC ORZ104 UGC ORZ105 UGC ORZ106 UGC ORZ107 UGC ORZ108 UGC ORZ109 UGC ORZ110 UGC ORZ111 UGC ORZ112 UGC ORZ113 UGC ORZ114 UGC ORZ115 UGC ORZ116 UGC ORZ117 UGC ORZ118 UGC ORZ119 UGC ORZ120 UGC ORZ121 UGC ORZ122 UGC ORZ123 UGC ORZ124 UGC ORZ125 UGC ORZ126 UGC ORZ127 UGC ORZ128 UGC WAZ201 UGC WAZ202 UGC WAZ203 UGC WAZ204 UGC WAZ205 UGC WAZ206 UGC WAZ207 UGC WAZ208 UGC WAZ209 UGC WAZ210 UGC WAZ211 AWIPSidentifier SPSPQR WMOidentifier WWUS86 KPQR 110458 CCA NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND CONTINUED SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR

Special Weather Statement issued May 10 at 8:46PM PDT by NWS Pendleton OR

May 10, 2024 - 8:46pm
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions Friday afternoon and expect severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. * A Geomagnetic Storm of this strength can cause multiple and widespread issues with various power and communication systems. * Widespread voltage control problems may occur; some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. * Pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps. * GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded or unavailable for days. * High Frequency (HF) radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one or two days. * Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. * Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For Space Weather Information For Weather Information Special Weather Statement 2024-05-10T20:46:00-07:00 2024-05-10T20:46:00-07:00 2024-05-10T20:46:00-07:00 2024-05-11T00:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed Eastern Columbia River Gorge of Washington SAME 053039 UGC WAZ024 AWIPSidentifier SPSPDT WMOidentifier WWUS86 KPDT 110346 NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND CONTINUED SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR

Special Weather Statement issued May 10 at 6:32PM PDT by NWS Spokane WA

May 10, 2024 - 6:32pm
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions Friday afternoon and expect severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. * A Geomagnetic Storm of this strength can cause multiple and widespread issues with various power and communication systems. * Widespread voltage control problems may occur; some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. * Pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps. * GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded or unavailable for days. * High Frequency (HF) radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one or two days. * Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. * Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For Space Weather Information For Weather Information Special Weather Statement 2024-05-10T18:32:00-07:00 2024-05-10T18:32:00-07:00 2024-05-10T18:32:00-07:00 2024-05-11T00:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed Northern Panhandle; Coeur d'Alene Area; Idaho Palouse; Central Panhandle Mountains; Lewiston Area; Lewis and Southern Nez Perce Counties; Northeast Blue Mountains; Lower Garfield and Asotin Counties; Washington Palouse; Moses Lake Area; Upper Columbia Basin; Spokane Area; Northeast Mountains; Okanogan Highlands; Wenatchee Area; Okanogan Valley; Waterville Plateau; Central Chelan County; Western Chelan County; Western Okanogan County SAME 016017 SAME 016021 SAME 016055 SAME 016009 SAME 016057 SAME 016079 SAME 016069 SAME 016061 SAME 053003 SAME 053023 SAME 053063 SAME 053075 SAME 053001 SAME 053025 SAME 053017 SAME 053043 SAME 053047 SAME 053051 SAME 053065 SAME 053019 SAME 053007 UGC IDZ001 UGC IDZ002 UGC IDZ003 UGC IDZ004 UGC IDZ026 UGC IDZ027 UGC WAZ031 UGC WAZ032 UGC WAZ033 UGC WAZ034 UGC WAZ035 UGC WAZ036 UGC WAZ037 UGC WAZ038 UGC WAZ041 UGC WAZ043 UGC WAZ044 UGC WAZ047 UGC WAZ048 UGC WAZ049 AWIPSidentifier SPSOTX WMOidentifier WWUS86 KOTX 110132 NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORMS EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR

Special Weather Statement issued May 10 at 6:16PM PDT by NWS Pendleton OR

May 10, 2024 - 6:16pm
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions Friday afternoon and expect severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. * A Geomagnetic Storm of this strength can cause multiple and widespread issues with various power and communication systems. * Widespread voltage control problems may occur; some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. * Pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps. * GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded or unavailable for days. * High Frequency (HF) radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one or two days. * Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. * Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For Space Weather Information For Weather Information Special Weather Statement 2024-05-10T18:16:00-07:00 2024-05-10T18:16:00-07:00 2024-05-10T18:16:00-07:00 2024-05-11T00:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed Eastern Columbia River Gorge of Oregon; Lower Columbia Basin of Oregon; Grande Ronde Valley; Wallowa County; Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon; Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon; John Day Basin; Ochoco-John Day Highlands; Foothills of the Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon; Foothills of the Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon; East Slopes of the Oregon Cascades; North Central Oregon; Central Oregon; Kittitas Valley; Yakima Valley; Lower Columbia Basin of Washington; Foothills of the Blue Mountains of Washington; Northwest Blue Mountains; Simcoe Highlands; Upper Slopes of the Eastern Washington Cascades Crest; Lower Slopes of the Eastern Washington Cascades Crest SAME 041021 SAME 041055 SAME 041065 SAME 041049 SAME 041059 SAME 041061 SAME 041063 SAME 041023 SAME 041069 SAME 041031 SAME 041013 SAME 041017 SAME 053037 SAME 053077 SAME 053005 SAME 053021 SAME 053039 SAME 053071 SAME 053013 UGC ORZ041 UGC ORZ044 UGC ORZ049 UGC ORZ050 UGC ORZ502 UGC ORZ503 UGC ORZ505 UGC ORZ506 UGC ORZ507 UGC ORZ508 UGC ORZ509 UGC ORZ510 UGC ORZ511 UGC WAZ026 UGC WAZ027 UGC WAZ028 UGC WAZ029 UGC WAZ030 UGC WAZ521 UGC WAZ522 UGC WAZ523 AWIPSidentifier SPSPDT WMOidentifier WWUS86 KPDT 110116 NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND CONTINUED SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR

Special Weather Statement issued May 10 at 6:03PM PDT by NWS Seattle WA

May 10, 2024 - 6:03pm
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions Friday afternoon and expects severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. A geomagnetic storm of this strength can cause multiple and and widespread issues with various power and communications systems. Widespread voltage control problems may occur, and some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service, and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded for days. HF/VHF/UHF radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one to two days. Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For space weather information...visit For weather information...visit Special Weather Statement 2024-05-10T18:03:00-07:00 2024-05-10T18:03:00-07:00 2024-05-10T18:03:00-07:00 2024-05-11T00:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed San Juan County; Western Whatcom County; Southwest Interior; Western Skagit County; Everett and Vicinity; Tacoma Area; Admiralty Inlet Area; Hood Canal Area; Lower Chehalis Valley Area; Olympics; Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca; Western Strait of Juan De Fuca; North Coast; Central Coast; East Puget Sound Lowlands; Bellevue and Vicinity; Seattle and Vicinity; Bremerton and Vicinity; West Slopes North Cascades and Passes; West Slopes North Central Cascades and Passes; West Slopes South Central Cascades and Passes SAME 053055 SAME 053073 SAME 053041 SAME 053067 SAME 053057 SAME 053035 SAME 053061 SAME 053053 SAME 053029 SAME 053031 SAME 053045 SAME 053027 SAME 053009 SAME 053033 UGC WAZ001 UGC WAZ503 UGC WAZ504 UGC WAZ506 UGC WAZ507 UGC WAZ509 UGC WAZ510 UGC WAZ511 UGC WAZ512 UGC WAZ513 UGC WAZ514 UGC WAZ515 UGC WAZ516 UGC WAZ517 UGC WAZ555 UGC WAZ556 UGC WAZ558 UGC WAZ559 UGC WAZ567 UGC WAZ568 UGC WAZ569 AWIPSidentifier SPSSEW WMOidentifier WWUS86 KSEW 110103 NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND CONTINUED SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORMS EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR

Special Weather Statement issued May 10 at 5:57PM PDT by NWS Portland OR

May 10, 2024 - 5:57pm
The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center has observed extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions Friday afternoon and expect severe (G4) conditions to continue through the weekend. * A Geomagnetic Storm of this strength can cause multiple and widespread issues with various power and communication systems. * Widespread voltage control problems my occur; some power grid systems may experience component failures, disruption of service and protective device trips. This could result in blackouts. * Pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps. * GPS and other satellite navigation may be degraded or unavailable for days. * High Frequency (HF) radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one or two days. * Low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours. * Aurora may be visible at much lower latitudes. For Space Weather Information For Weather Information Special Weather Statement 2024-05-10T17:57:00-07:00 2024-05-10T17:57:00-07:00 2024-05-10T17:57:00-07:00 2024-05-11T00:00:00-07:00 Actual Alert Met Expected Moderate Observed Clatsop County Coast; Tillamook County Coast; Central Coast of Oregon; North Oregon Coast Range Lowlands; Central Oregon Coast Range Lowlands; North Oregon Coast Range; Central Oregon Coast Range; Lower Columbia River; Tualatin Valley; West Hills and Chehalem Mountains; Inner Portland Metro; East Portland Metro; Outer Southeast Portland Metro; West Central Willamette Valley; East Central Willamette Valley; Benton County Lowlands; Linn County Lowlands; Lane County Lowlands; West Columbia River Gorge of Oregon above 500 ft; West Columbia River Gorge I-84 Corridor; Upper Hood River Valley; Central Columbia River Gorge I-84 Corridor; Clackamas County Cascade Foothills; Cascade Foothills of Marion and Linn Counties; Lane County Cascade Foothills; North Oregon Cascades; Cascades of Marion and Linn Counties; Cascades of Lane County; South Washington Coast; Willapa and Wahkiakum Lowlands; Willapa Hills; Cowlitz County Lowlands; North Clark County Lowlands; Inner Vancouver Metro; East Clark County Lowlands; South Washington Cascade Foothills; West Columbia River Gorge - SR 14; Central Columbia River Gorge - SR 14; South Washington Cascades UGC ORZ101 UGC ORZ102 UGC ORZ103 UGC ORZ104 UGC ORZ105 UGC ORZ106 UGC ORZ107 UGC ORZ108 UGC ORZ109 UGC ORZ110 UGC ORZ111 UGC ORZ112 UGC ORZ113 UGC ORZ114 UGC ORZ115 UGC ORZ116 UGC ORZ117 UGC ORZ118 UGC ORZ119 UGC ORZ120 UGC ORZ121 UGC ORZ122 UGC ORZ123 UGC ORZ124 UGC ORZ125 UGC ORZ126 UGC ORZ127 UGC ORZ128 UGC WAZ201 UGC WAZ202 UGC WAZ203 UGC WAZ204 UGC WAZ205 UGC WAZ206 UGC WAZ207 UGC WAZ208 UGC WAZ209 UGC WAZ210 UGC WAZ211 AWIPSidentifier SPSPQR WMOidentifier WWUS86 KPQR 110057 NWSheadline EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND CONTINUED SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE WEEKEND BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS EAS-ORG WXR
